šŸ¤Ø Why I turned down 300k/year to grow my business

Understand this concept to unlock explosive agency growth

Last week, my bookkeeping firm told a portfolio owner of 10 companies we couldnā€™t work with himā€¦

Resulting in us passing up $10k-$25k MRR.


Saying ā€œnoā€ to this account will ultimately make us more money in the long run.

The Contextā€¦

This founder wanted to work with my bookkeeping service, and my COO said we could take him, so he paid us to run an initial audit.

But we quickly realized that working with this guyā€™s companies would require a TON of new workflows, trainings, and SOPs.

This made us seriously question whether working together was a good idea.

The founder then said if we did a good job auditing his first company, heā€™d pass us more bookkeeping work for the rest of his companiesā€¦

Which would have made us over $300k per year.

But in the end, we decided not to work togetherā€¦

Hereā€™s why, and what you can take away from this case studyā€¦


The biggest obstacle to scaling past low-7 figures a year is complexity.

As your business grows, you add more layers of complexity. Moreā€¦

  • People

  • Processes 

  • Softwares 

  • Decisions 

  • Clients 

  • Meetings 

  • Messages 

The list goes on forever. 

By simplifying what you do and who you do it for, you move closer to a company that can earn beyond $5M/year.

Instead of signing this client and shooting myself in the foot by taking on more work than we can handleā€¦

We referred him to a founder that will pay us a commission AND advise us on how we can better scale this business.

Essentially, weā€™re getting paid to have an advisor ā€“ turning the model of growth completely on its head.

There are many ways to build leverage in your businessā€¦

But if you take just one lesson from todayā€™s newsletterā€¦

Itā€™s that one of the best ways to gain leverage is to refer potential clients to businesses better suited for them.

Could Saying "No" Lead to Greater Success for You?

Turning down $300k in annual revenue might sound crazy.

But when we factored in the additional time it would take to work together, it just didnā€™t make sense.

You see, as your agency grows, complexity becomes your biggest enemy.

More clients, more processes, more headaches. It's a recipe for burnout and stagnation.

But there's another way.

At 8 Figure Agency, we've cracked the code to scaling while minimizing chaos.

Imagine an agency where:

  • You only work with your ideal clients

  • Your processes run like a well-oiled machine

  • Your team operates with clarity and purpose

  • Your revenue grows, but your stress doesn't

For years, weā€™ve helped hundreds of clients achieve those outcomesā€¦

So, here's my challenge to you:

Take a hard look at your agency.

Are you chasing every dollarā€¦

Or building a sustainable, scalable business?

Itā€™s one of the toughest challenges as a business ownerā€¦

But itā€™s a challenge we can help you rise above.

If you'd like to see how to scale your agency to its full potential, letā€™s talk:

In just 30 minutes, we'll identify your biggest complexity roadblocks and map out a plan to overcome themā€¦

To help set you on the path to your most successful year in business yet.

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency