What I Learned From A Billionaire

Billionaire Gary Keller taught me one of the biggest secrets to his fortune.

To this day, he continues to use this one simple process that leads to massive growth:

Time blocking.

One of the largest reasons founders do not scale to the level they want is poor prioritization of their time.

Our time as founders is not equal.

Some activities are worth $50/hour.

Some activities are worth $500/hour.

Some are worth $5000/hour.

To ensure Gary scaled his businesses appropriately every single day, Gary would have DEEP-focused work scheduled aside on his calendar.

The intention of this “time block” was to focus on the #1 thing that would lead to the largest results for his ventures.

As a result of mastering this one process, Gary Keller founded and grew Keller Williams to the largest real estate company in North America. 

Here is how to execute this principle:

1- Reverse engineer success

Start with a long-term target (1 year or 5 years).

Set 1 goal you want to accomplish (for example Profit $1,000,000/year by 12 months from today).

2- Set a 1-month goal

Here is how to ID that goal.

“If I could only accomplish one thing this month, hence that by doing so would disproportionately move me closer to hitting my 1-year goal, what would that 1 goal be?

Set the goal.

3- Set a 1-week goal

“If I could only accomplish one thing this week, hence that by doing so, would disproportionately move me closer to hitting my 1-month goal, what would that 1 goal be?

Set your 1 week sprint. 

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If you are struggling with:

  • Being stuck in the day-to-day ops.

  • Not having time to grow your business.

  • Build a team that you can trust to maintain your high standards.

We help you solve these issues by implementing a proven operating system installed and optimized by one of our 8 figure executives.

It’s really easy and more affordable than you think.

4- Time Block

Set aside a fixed amount of time per day for focused, undisturbed work.

At first, doing 90 minutes may be too much as you probably haven't built the habit.

Starting with 15-30 minutes is totally ok. 

5- Remove Distractions

Close all tabs not related to your work.

Put your phone on do not disturb mode.

Remove all notifications from any messenger apps.


6- Come Prepared

If you need caffeine, drink it.

If you need water while you're working so you don’t leave your desk for a drink, bring it.

This process is VERY simple.

But Gary attributes it to building his empire.

So I would recommend you give it a shot!

Here is an additional resource that may be helpful on setting goals.

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you

  1. If you're serious about taking your agency to the next level and want my help in doing so, click here to book time for a growth consultation.

  1. Most companies don’t know how to run an annual review process, learn how Amazon runs theirs here.

  1. If you want to stay in touch, follow me on Twitter.

Stay Happy

Stay Hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

Let's Stay in Touch!