Use This System To Make $1,000,000 In 12 Months

A founder that can generate 500k in 12 months, working 40 hours a week is worth $240/hour to their company. Anything less than that dollar value should be delegated. 

The simplest way to grow your company is to delegate all low-leverage items off your plate. Here is how you can

1- Upwork

Upwork is one of my favorite platforms. If you aren’t delegating every single low-leverage activity off your plate then you’re missing out on millions. 

I made a 12-minute training on how to hire contractors off the platform. 

If you want to watch it, here it is (Link

If you prefer to read, follow these steps:

A- Post the job

Upwork makes it very easy to do this right. As long as you choose a job title that is broad enough, you’ll get decent applicants

B- Filter 

The best part of Upwork is that you can filter candidates based on performance

I dont DM, I dont interview

If someone has a 100% rating, over $1000 earned, and a budget within my desired range, I hire and set them up ASAP

If it's a simple role, then the training really isn't needed

C- Leave job open

While I'm testing the hire, I leave the job open until the hire proves to be effective. If they aren’t I part ways and pick another candidate from the job pool

Delegation made easy

Time to invest in growth

2- White Label Account Managers & Project Managers

This one is one of my newest and best hacks 

There are companies that will white-label their agency's pre-trained AM and PM talent to you

I have seen this work wonders as it saves you SO much time

If you need an intro to the one I refer all my clients to, email me and I’ll set up an intro

Most founders stuck in ops just need support on these functions to free up time

View The 8F Partnership 

If you want to scale, you need to know about the 8F Partnership Program.

I’m not asking you to say yes or no today, I want you to make an informed decision on what's best for you to grow your business. 

View the below page and make business easy again. 

Stay Happy

Stay Hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

Let's Stay in Touch!