📊 This reporting hack could 5x your business

Discover the “visibility secret” you need to skyrocket growth

We recently took on a client that does 8-figures, but had plateaued (they came to us to help them grow).

The crazy thing about their stagnation is that it’s entirely avoidable…

And they can easily 4-5x their business — with one simple change that could have a HUGE impact on your business, too:


Let me explain…

This client of ours is run by 3 exceptional practitioners of the service they sell.

Unfortunately, none of these executives are natural managers.

To get them moving in the right direction, we began working on implementing the 8FOS (8F operating system).

One of the biggest principles of the 8FOS is visibility.

In any professional sport, when someone makes a mistake, everyone sees it.

In sports, mistakes are 100% visible and accountability is easy.

In online business, mistakes are invisible, unless you create a culture that prioritizes visibility.

This one thing – visibility – is literally the difference between this company staying at 8-figures, versus growing to 9-figures.

(An important note: this company has less than 30 clients total, but has some mega whale clients pushing their top line over $20M annually. So, although they have good revenue, it’s all riding on a few clients paying them massive sums).

As we talked with them, we began defining the following components which will enable higher performance:

  • Goals/KPIs per role 

  • Daily/weekly benchmarks 

  • Daily/weekly reporting process per client/team-member/department 

By clearly defining everyone’s tasks and making it visible with a daily end-of-day report, we can resolve the issues this company is facing.

I promise, it’s this simple!

The thing is… these founders are SO apprehensive.

They have the common misconception that visibility = micromanagement.

We were told that they hire very senior talent and pay them a lot.

They’re concerned that implementing visibility processes may feel like “micromanagement” and they might lose talent.

If you feel similarly, I NEED you to know a few things:

1. These processes aren’t just a “nice to have”: they’re essential.

Because this company doesn’t have visibility, people get away with lying, not doing their work, and lowering standards.

2. This isn’t micromanagement.

Micromanagement is the process of not trusting your talent and overseeing every detail as you sit over their shoulder. 

Visibility processes empower your people to have autonomy, but ensures they have social pressure/accountability due to visible reporting.

3. Some people won’t like it.

Some of your team members will not like it.

But if you have big ambitions or care about doing great work, this is non-negotiable.

It ensures the bad talent leaves, and the right talent performs at a higher level.

4. I’ve never had an issue with this.

At every organization I’ve worked with or consulted for, talent has never had an issue implementing this.

So what are you waiting for?!

It’s time to implement this!

If you need extra help, watch this video to learn more:

Is Lack of Visibility Holding Your Agency Back?

Proper reporting can be the difference between stagnation and rapid growth.

But here's the million-dollar question:

Do you have the right systems in place to implement this in your agency?

At 8 Figure Agency, we've helped hundreds of agencies break through plateaus by implementing our proven 8F Operating System.

Here's what that could mean for your agency:

  • Crystal-clear goals and KPIs for every role

  • Daily and weekly benchmarks that drive performance

  • A streamlined reporting process that creates accountability without micromanagement

Sounds powerful, right? It is.

But here's the catch: implementing these systems isn't always easy.

That's where we come in.

We've helped over 800 agencies implement these kinds of powerful systems, resulting in:

  • Increased productivity across all departments

  • Higher employee satisfaction and retention of top talent

  • Dramatic revenue growth

With my elite 8F team, we can work together to set your agency up for long-term success.

To see how we can make this a reality for you and your business…

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

P.S. Feeling stuck on where to focus your energy for maximum growth?

It's a quick 2-minute assessment that provides AI-driven insights based on our 800+ client success stories.

Take the free assessment here and unlock your agency's hidden potential!