This is Secretly Killing Your Business

There is a secret killer in your company that is probably costing you a lot…


The concept of knowing everything that is going on in your business, good and bad

The likelihood is that you don't have enough of it…which can kill your business and churn clients

Picture this

You attend a football match (can be either European or American)

Millions are watching live (in person and on TV)

In the middle of the game, a player makes a very costly turnover 

EVERYONE sees this turnover, there is nowhere to hide

Because of this, after the game, the player goes back to practice to work on what he did wrong

Now, in your company, if you don't have visibility set up properly, team members are creating turnovers for you weekly and you are totally missing it….costing you the goodwill of clients which is leading to higher churn

Here is how to solve for this:

Standard work checklists and end-of-day reporting

This is something that I learned working at Amazon

Everyone sees everything….at all levels 

How to implement?

Standard work is repeating tasks that occur daily, weekly, or monthly

You can plug these into a project management software by making recurring tasks or putting them in a Google sheet that needs to be submitted daily

In order to create visibility, these checklists (or tasks) are submitted in an end-of-day report format to leadership for visibility

This visibility on daily performance naturally creates accountability 

Just by having this, you will create accountability and higher performance in your org

Your end-of-day reports should include visibility into the following:

  • Client project management

  • Team project management 

  • Client results (daily if relevant)

  • Explanations on why we missed, fell behind, or are underperforming 

A Walkthrough on Implementation

I made a 5-minute training on how to implement this for your agency

If you want to watch it, here it is (link)

View 8F Partnership 

If you want to scale, you need to know about the 8F Partnership Program.

I’m not asking you to say yes or no today, I want you to make an informed decision on what's best for you to grow your business. 

View the below page and make business easy again. 

Stay Happy

Stay Hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

Let's Stay in Touch!