🔪 The silent killer threatening your agency's success

How to combat the hidden force eroding your agency's standards.

There’s a dangerous business concept I learned while working at Amazon…

Which states that over time, all teams and team-members lower their standards.

It’s called the drift…

And if you don’t take steps to get ahead of it…

Your business will be F’d.

Here’s how I got caught up in the drift last year, and what I did to overcome it.

The Context

In 2023, I fired my sales team and was the solo sales pro for 8F for 8 months.

My closing rate went down every quarter, and at the time, I couldn’t see why.

I brought in a consultant to audit me, and he pointed out that I was logically selling/adding value, but not emotionally selling.

I was cutting corners, assuming I knew the answers to questions I didn’t ask.

In short, I got arrogant.

Because I’ve worked with thousands of agencies, and I know this space like the back of my hand, I was trying to max out call value by going to value as fast as possible…

Rather than following the fundamentals that helped me become successful in the first place.

The drift happened with me, and I’ve spotted it in every team member of 8F that has worked for me.

It can show up in large or small ways, but regardless – it shows up.

Here’s how to get ahead of the drift:

Set up audits for every part of your business.

Even if everything seems to be going well…

Bringing in managers or outside consultants to audit leaders will be the #1 thing that prevents your business from digressing.

Regular audits help maintain high standards and keep everyone on their toes.

They’re not just a safety net, but a proactive approach to sustaining excellence.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to realize that standards have slipped…

Implementing these audits now will safeguard your business’s future and ensure that you and your team continue to grow and excel.

By committing to continuous improvement, you can prevent the drift and keep your business on the path to success.

The Silent Killer of Agency Success: Are You Its Next Victim?

Picture this:

Your agency's thriving. Clients are happy. Revenue's up.

But beneath the surface, a sinister force is at work.

It's the drift – and it's coming for your success.

Don't believe me? Let me ask you this:

  • When was the last time you audited your sales process?

  • How often do you check if your team's following SOPs?

  • Are your deliverables as good as they were six months ago?

If you hesitated on any of these, you might already be in trouble.

The fact is, excellence doesn't maintain itself…

And at 8 Figure Agency, we've seen countless “successful” agencies crumble because they ignored the drift.

But we've also seen agencies transform by facing it head-on.

The difference? A relentless commitment to improvement.

It's not sexy. It's not easy. But it's the difference between good and great.

If this resonates with you, I ask you to take a hard look at your agency and think through:

Are you and your team getting better every day, or just maintaining the status quo?

If you're not sure, or if you know there's room for improvement, let’s talk.

No sugar-coating.

No false promises.

Just straight talk about where you are and where you could be.

Because here's the thing: The agencies that win aren't the ones that avoid the drift…

They're the ones that turn it into rocket fuel for growth…

And we can help you do just that.

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency