šŸ¤ Steal this insanely powerful sales hack

A simple tactic to instantly build rapport and close more prospects.

Today, Iā€™m sharing one of the most powerful sales hacks I useā€¦

That helps me close 70%+ of my prospectsā€¦

And itā€™s all thanks to one timeless psychological principle:

People want to buy from people who are like them.

One of the greatest psychologists of all time, Robert Cialdini, proved this concept:

The more you can show a prospect that you're similar to themā€¦

The more likely they are to trust you and buy from you.

Here's how I use this principle in my own sales process for incredible resultsā€¦

The "Schwifty" Shirt

If you're a fan of the show Rick and Morty, you'll immediately recognize the shirt I'm wearing.

The word "Schwifty" was the tagline of one of the showā€™s most popular episodes.

Soā€¦ when a prospect or partner joins me on a call, and are also Rick and Morty fans, they spot the shirtā€¦

And we have INSTANT rapport.

Because we both love the show, their unconscious mind tells them I'm trustworthy and relatable.

Without saying a word, the shirt communicates we're on the same wavelengthā€¦

And Iā€™ve got a massive head-start on building rapport with them.

The Best Part? Zero Downside

If people don't recognize the shirt, they don't think twice about itā€¦

And I follow my normal sales process.

So, there's huge potential upside, and ZERO downside risk.

Building Rapport is Everything

Before doing anything else, the #1 thing we need to do in sales is build rapport.

It doesnā€™t have to be a Rick and Morty shirt either.

You can do this with anything that might bump your odds of instantly connecting with your prospects.

Simply put, small hacks like this make it infinitely easier to establish trustā€¦

And ultimately, close deals.

Struggling to Connect with Prospects?

One of the biggest obstacles to closing deals is struggling to build rapport and connect with prospects.

You pour your heart and soul into building an agency that can genuinely help people and provide an exceptional service.

Maybe youā€™ve even read books or taken courses on sales and rapport-buildingā€¦

You know your service is a perfect fit for your prospectsā€¦

But when it comes to your sales calls, somethingā€™s missing.

And itā€™s costing you.

I've been there. It's not fun to see excited leads fizzle out over a call.

Fortunately for us, sales and connecting with prospects is a skillā€¦

And there are countless ways (including the t-shirt trick!) to get better at building rapport and improve your closing rate.

My 8 Figure Agency team has helped 100s of agency owners find ways to:

  • Build instant rapport with prospects

  • Iron out their sales processes for more consistent results

  • Close more deals at higher price points

I get messages like this all the time from clients we work withā€¦

And our team would love to help you improve your rapport-building skills to land more clients, too!

To see how we can help you accomplish more of your goalsā€¦

Weā€™ll help you start connecting with potential clients like youā€™re old friendsā€¦

And get you closing more deals than you ever have before. šŸ¤

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency