🤝 Retention hacks for elite client + talent retention

How small acts can lead to big wins in client and talent retention

My gardener just reminded me of a crucial business lesson…

That can supercharge your client and talent retention rates.

Here’s the backstory…

I have a gardener that comes weekly for upkeep.

Since moving in, I’ve formed a cordial relationship with him. Whenever we cross paths, I always say hello and chat with him.

Every quarter, I tip him and thank him for his work.

But last week, he BLEW my mind when he told me:

“You are the nicest client I’ve ever had.”

I thought, “What, me? All I’m doing is talking to you and tipping you for a job well done.”

But apparently these two small gestures, compounded over time, made me the nicest client he’s ever worked with.

The surprising lesson here…

Basic banter + a tip.

This is bare-bones decency here, I’m not doing anything over-the-top.

But the crazy thing is, this is what you face in the marketplace in so many ways.

But the crazy thing is, this same dynamic happens in the marketplace all the time.

In the same way that almost no-one tips or talks to my gardener…

Your competitors aren’t even doing the basics to:

  • Keep their clients

  • Keep their talent

Because of this, implementing some SIMPLE processes will let you retain talent forever, and keep your clients longer, too.

Talent Retention Tips

80% of talent leaves companies due to management.

Losing talent is the highest cost to any business…

But keeping talent makes life so much easier and enables us to grow.

Here are some simple processes to implement to retain your talent longer:

  1. Every quarter, have your managers learn 3 new things about their employees

  2. Have your managers mark team members’ birthdays in their calendar

  3. Have managers project manage and track team members’ personal goals

  4. Train managers to assist their team members in accomplishing their personal goals

That last one is a huge winner.

If your managers just invest in their talents’ personal lives by:

  • Helping track their goals

  • Discuss these goals monthly in their 1-on-1 meetings

  • And help them accomplish their goals

Then – assuming you pay your talent competitively – why the heck would they ever leave?!

Client Retention Strategies

  1. Know clients’ personal and professional motivations and serve resources to them monthly on these topics

    1. Example: Send a relevant podcast, blog, social post

  2. Make introductions to clients they can network with or do business with

  3. Discuss and take an active interest in your clients' personal lives

Nothing crazy.

But once again: no-one does this at scale.

Implement a few of these, and your business will take off.

Are You Leaving Money on the Table with Your Retention Strategy?

Take a second and consider:

How much time and energy do you spend chasing new clients and talent…

…when your biggest growth opportunity might be right under your nose?

See, when it comes to retaining loyal talent and clients…

Most agencies are completely dropping the ball.

At 8 Figure Agency, we've seen firsthand how simple retention strategies can skyrocket an agency's growth.

Picture your agency having:

  • Loyal A-players sticking around long-term, growing with your company

  • Clients becoming long-term partners, not just one-off projects or transactions

  • Referrals flowing in because people love working with you

If you’re not there yet…

You might be just a few changes away from turning your agency into a roaring success.

We've helped hundreds of founders like you transform their businesses through:

  • Smart, scalable processes that make every team member feel valued

  • Client relationship systems that turn one-off projects into lasting partnerships

  • Culture-building strategies that make your agency the place to be

The best part? These aren't complex, time-consuming changes.

They're simple tweaks that compound over time, creating massive results.

Curious about where your agency stands?

Let's chat.

No pressure, just a straightforward conversation about your agency's potential.

And let’s see how we can help you move the needle in your business.

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

P.S. Feeling stuck on where to focus your energy for maximum growth?

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