📈 Part 2: My blueprint to go from $0 to $1M

Part 2 of my blueprint to scaling your agency to $1M and higher

In the last newsletter, I covered the first 5 crucial steps to hitting $1M in just 10 months.

Today, I’m sharing steps 6-10 of my ultimate guide to making your first million.

Starting with…

6. Increase capacity

At this point, you should have 10-15 clients, and be pulling in $20k-$40k per month.

To scale to $40k-$60k, you need to increase your time capacity. Here's how:

  • Track your time for a full week

  • Identify the easiest tasks that you can train admins on

  • Go to Upwork and start delegating these tasks to people you can train

  • Create an end-of-day report for each task/admin

Give yourself 2-4 weeks on this step to ensure you do it right, and that these tasks are truly OFF your plate.

7. Account management

At $40k-$60k per month, you’ll need someone to step in and run strategy and account management.

  • Map out your entire process from start to finish

  • Record your strategy calls and watch them back, map out how and why you do things on call

  • Record and analyze your strategy calls, map out how and why you do things on calls

Then, you need to source quality, pre-trained talent.

Since you’re earning $40k-$60k with great margins, you can afford them.

During your sourcing process, test candidates rigorously to make sure you know they can 100% do the job without needing training.

After passing the first test, offer more extensive paid tests.

  • Have them conduct the service on your business

  • Ensure they can crush it

  • Start a candidate part-time with one account

Hiring right is crucial, so take your time with this step…

While you ramp them up slowly on the side with a few accounts.

8. Scale your talent

With your new account manager, you want to help them shine.

Train them intensively on that first account, reviewing everything together to make sure they can crush it.

  • Review results, processes and procedures weekly

  • Have them submit daily/weekly reports

  • Train and give feedback weekly

Slowly increase their account load until you're confident they can crush it at scale.

9. Ramp up and optimize ops

You're in the big leagues now. Time to level up your operations:

  • Delegate more off your plate to your account manager

  • Close more deals (you've got the bandwidth now!)

  • Formalize your processes. Document EVERYTHING.

  • Implement monthly business reviews

  • Streamline your onboarding

  • Automate your account manager’s tasks wherever possible to max their capacity

10. Hire back-end ops

The final piece of the puzzle?

Hire a mid-tier project manager to handle all back-end ops and tech.

This will save you and your account manager a LOT of time.

From here, just keep ramping up until you hit that sweet $1M mark.

And there you have it – the complete 10-step blueprint to hitting your first million in record time.

Is Your Agency Equipped To Scale To The Next Level?

You've got the blueprint. Now it's time to build.

See, while this 10-step guide is powerful (and will get you to your agency goals)…

It’s ultimately up to YOU to relentlessly execute on the plan to grow to 7-figures and beyond.

But — even though the responsibility falls on you at the end of the day…

You don’t have to do this alone.

That’s why I started 8 Figure Agency…

Where we’ve helped 800+ founders and agency operators navigate the biggest growth challenges, and come out stronger on the other side.

We work with operators just like you to:

  • Tailor systems to your unique agency needs

  • Optimize your operations for peak efficiency

  • Get you out of working in the business every day

  • Build and nurture high-performing teams

To set you up for success with our 10-step strategy to scaling fast…

So we can get you on the path to scaling BIG-time in the coming year.

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

P.S. Feeling stuck on where to focus your energy for maximum growth?

It's a quick 2-minute assessment that provides AI-driven insights based on our 800+ client success stories.

Take the free assessment here and unlock your agency's hidden potential!