🚀 My blueprint to hit $1M in 10 months

My step-by-step strategy to rapidly scale your agency to $1M and beyond

I went from $0 to $1,000,000 in 20 months.

But if I had to start over from $0 today, I believe I could hit that target in HALF the time (or less!).

Here’s my step-by-step guide to making your first million 👇

1. Proof of concept & fulfillment

It blows my mind to see folks trying to sell a service they’ve never fulfilled themselves!

The marketplace is saturated, and that's a recipe for disaster.

To stand out and get your first 3 paying clients, start here:

  • Learn how to fulfill the service. Getting an agency job is the best way because then you’ll get trained

  • Offer 1-3 big influencers (in different industries) free work for 90 days. In return, ask for 3-5 referrals, a podcast interview, and a killer testimonial.

    • Hint: The bigger the network, the better. Social proof sells.

  • Crush fulfillment for them, and learn what works (and what doesn’t).

  • After 90 days, identify your best-performing niche, and think through if it’s scalable. THAT’S the niche you should build a business and brand around.

  • If none of the niches feel right, repeat this process with 3 new influencers or well-networked entrepreneurs.

2. Get more clients

Now that you've proven you can deliver, it's time to cash in on your clients’ commitments.

Collect your referrals and case studies, then:

  • Do a podcast interview with your clients.

  • Ask questions to understand their pain and why they liked your service

  • Build a simple website showcasing your interview and testimonials

3. Offer

During your client interview, dig deep and ask your client:

  • What's the true value of your service?

  • What would make it a “no-brainer” for them?

  • What's the sweet spot for pricing? (Aim for $2k-$4k/month minimum)

Use these questions to craft your offer which should include:

  • Pricing

  • Logistics

  • Some form of a guarantee (we offer satisfaction guaranteed)

4. Learn to sell & close

Sales skills = money in the bank. Here's your crash course:

A. Devour Alex Hormozi's content. Trust me, it's gold.

B. Master my proven sales model:

  • Build rapport

    • Search “NLP Rapport” on YouTube

    • Study how to build rapport

  • Ask questions to understand your prospects’ goals and pain points

  • Offer free consulting to build a roadmap on how you can help them hit their goal

  • Show how your service solves their problems effortlessly

  • Close like a pro (watch the last 20 minutes of Hormozi's interview with Lewis Howes for objection-handling magic)

5. Leads & max capacity

Continue to follow the above process to get referrals and testimonials, but now, get more leads.

A. Write & record content weekly

When thinking about content, make sure to review:

  • What pain points you’ve resolved

  • What conversations you’ve had

  • What work you do for clients

  • What problems you solve

  • What insights you have

B. DM and cold outreach

  • DM and cold email 100 people DAILY, via DMs, warm outreach, and email

  • Offer free consultations to anyone engaging with your content in your niche

  • Blow their minds with value on the call and help create a roadmap for them

  • Offer to implement your roadmap for them

Do this until you max out capacity.

From there, the next step is figuring out how to increase capacity and scale.

Stay tuned for part two of my step-by-step guide to making your first million in Sunday’s newsletter!

Ready to Accelerate Your Agency's Growth?

No matter how long you’ve been in business…

Scaling is hard.

At 8 Figure Agency, we specialize in helping agencies break through growth barriers to reach new heights.

We've helped over 800 agency owners do exactly that, taking them from 6 to 7, and even 8 figures…

With a team of professionals who can help you:

  • Refine your offer for maximum profitability

  • Implement systems that allow you to scale without burning out

  • Develop a high-performing team that delivers consistent results

The best part? You don't have to figure it all out alone.

Curious about where your agency stands and what REAL growth could look like for you?

And let’s figure out the next steps you need to take to skyrocket your growth.

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

P.S. Feeling stuck on where to focus your energy for maximum growth?

It's a quick 2-minute assessment that provides AI-driven insights based on our 800+ client success stories.

Take the free assessment here and unlock your agency's hidden potential!