How Miquel Girones 4X’d his business in 2 months to exceed 100k Net Profit Per month

How Miquel Girones 4X’d his business in 2 months to exceed 100k Net Profit Per month

When Miquel joined 8F, he was similar to many other service based entrepreneurs:

Working hard, trying his best, putting in the hours

But there was one thing unique about him that made him have elite potential:

His awareness of the ignorance tax

The ignorance tax is the cost of us not knowing what we dont know

Because of this, he reached out to me back in August to collaborate

With only 5 adjustments to his business, he was able to 4X

1- SAD worksheet

As an entrepreneur, not all of our time is equal

Some activities will grow our business by 10k/mo or 100k/mo and some will not contribute to growth at all

We identified that Miquel was working on a lot of lower leverage administrative items as well as operational items that didnt contribute to the business

We track his time, implemented the SAD framework and had a plan  of action

For context, SAD stands for:

  • Stop

  • Automate

  • Delegate

Its also what you’ll be if you dont follow this framework 

We got the low leverage items off his plate

2- Process workflow

The number one issue all entrepreneurs face is a lack of standardization in their company

Its very hard to delegate and automate a bunch of things off your plate if they're not clearly defined

We had Miquel complete his business process workflow for all of his offers and products

This enabled us to standardize his process and begin creating A LOT  of SOPs and trainings

Fortunately for Miquel, a lot of what his workflow including was things that could be SOP’d

Context: SOPs tell people what to do, children should be able to follow them

Trainings teach people how to think

With these two items, Miquel began hiring BIG time

In just a few months, he went from a team of 4 contractors to a team of 20+ contractors 

Because we had defined his entire business, we were able to hire, onboard and train them WAY faster than he had previously leading to the next thing that enabled him to scale

3- Management 

Once he began scaling, he needed a way to ensure his team was executing without him actually doing it

Miquel divided his business into departments and had two managers run each department

Each manager was assigned an assistant to help with project management and administrative items (a Miquel specific process)

He set up some simple management processes such as:

  • Audits

  • Reporting

  • Coaching and feedback

Which enabled his management team to be able to be successful 

4- Tech Infrastructure 

When Miquel started with 8F, he had 1 base in his airtable dashboard

He now has several

His tech stack enabled him to easily understand all the data of his business and allowed his team to be able to execute project management at scale

On a monthly level, he knows exactly where his business is at

  • Revenue and profit

  • Client management 

  • Data

This freed him up to focus on the things that actually enabled him to grow

5- Creativity and relationships 

Now that Miquel had his time freed up, he was able to focus on the items that actually grew his brand, business and client relationships

He began creating more context at scale which increased his brand awareness

He was able to begin networking more with prospective clients and attend more events

He was able to travel to meet his high net worth clients in person, and deepen their relationships

After all, Miquel helps his clients, in some cases, save millions or deca-millions with his services

Getting in front of his clients, sitting down with them, building relationships enables him to build more trust and get more referrals

If you haven’t already, give miquelgirones1 a follow on twitter, you should he can save you millions of dollars

He has one of the coolest businesses I’ve ever seen

If you’re reading this and wanting to grow in 2024…NOW is the time