Internal Wikipedia

We just onboarded a 2.5M/year business

The founder has built up some serious frustration due to his need to be involved in both the operation and client problem resolution 

When he was onboarded, I gave him a simple process we’re going to set up to begin to get him out of his operation

Enter: The FAQ Process

Most managers & operators waste time by answering team member questions and resolving issues without documentation

The short-sighted thought is that they can solve this faster, so it's best to do so

Here is where we can EASILY build leverage

Every time a team member asks a question

Every time there is a client conflict you must resolve

Every time something breaks and you need to fix it with your unique outlook

Enter the scenario/question into a form 

Record your thought process on how to resolve

Create tags for team members to search in the future

When we do this, our resolutions and answers are no longer a 1 to 1 solution

They are a 1 to many solution (solve it once, have it referenced many times in the company history)

Let’s break this down

Form prompts:

  • Question/Scenario  

  • Department

  • Related roles

  • Tags (keywords)

  • Answer & training 


A client is upset because she thinks we messed up something in her Google account

We did not mess up anything, but when we went into her Google account, we found prior issues from their last agency

She thinks we messed up, and hid these issues from her, when in fact we’re the ones who found them

This would get entered into the question/scenario prompt

Department: account management 

Related roles: strategist 

Tags: upset client, miscommunication, finding errors

Answer & training: enter a video explaining the thought process and resolution plain, going into detail on explaining the way behind everything

This process is tedious

This process takes extra time

But this process builds an internal Wikipedia that after 12 months of doing this will cut your need to solve issues by 80%

Join over 800 Agencies Leveling Up With 8F

If you are struggling with:

  • Being stuck in the day-to-day ops

  • Not having time to grow your business

  • Build a team that you can trust to maintain your high standards

We help you solve these issues by implementing a proven operating system installed and optimized by one of our 8 figure executives

It’s really easy and more affordable than you think

Click this link to learn more

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you

1-If you're serious about taking your agency to the next level and want my help in doing so, click here to book time for a growth consultation

2-If you're struggling with project management, watch this video on how to fix your ops

3-If you want to stay in touch, follow me on Twitter

Stay Happy

Stay Hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

Let's Stay in Touch!