🚀 How we helped one agency owner add $1M in ARR

INSIDE: The powerful steps we took to scale Brennan’s agency

Before working with 8FA, Brennan’s agency was doing under $500k/year, and he was:

  • The only person talking to clients

  • Unsure how to onboard new team members

  • Had the limiting belief he had to do everything

Over the last year, we’ve helped Brennan’s agency, Jumpstart ROI, add $1,000,000 in new annual recurring revenue.

Here’s how we did it:

Process & Foundation

Brennan didn’t have the right foundation to scale a team.

First, we had to map out his process workflow…

Covering every operational step from signing clients, to retaining them.

We helped them build an elite onboarding experience (which I’ve seen help clients stay 2x longer!)

Then, we systematized everything we could with Zapier integrations to maximize efficiency.

We also built more defined SOPs for regular tasks…

And for more complex projects, Brennan recorded in-depth Loom trainings to explain his thought processes.

Think of it this way:

SOPs teach people what to do

Trainings teach people how to think

Next, He Hired an Ops Manager

With his operational foundation set, it was time to hire an ops manager to free up Brennan’s time.

With clear tasks and workflows, it was easy to onboard this new hire and provide him with a strong foundation of trainings.

The new ops manager immediately took over meetings, saving Brennan a TON of time.

New Media Buying Talent

Previously, Brennan tried to hire cheaper talent to save on margins.

But after hiring a great ops manager, Brennan finally understood the value of A+ talent.

We helped him level-up his media buying team (a larger investment for him at the time)…

And to make it work financially, Brennan had to raise prices to maintain strong margins.

The result?

  • Higher LTV due to better service

  • Even more time back for Brennan

Improving Comms With Slack

Before we worked together, all client comms were done via email!

We moved client comms to Slack to create cleaner, easier communication flows, saving everyone more time.

Compounding Sales

After building him an amazing team, Brennan’s agency got even more referrals from its clients.

This reinforced that a great service leads to more revenue, so we doubled down.

With more leads coming in, he leaned into auditing his sales process…

To increase the value prospects got when they ended up on the Jumpstart ROI calendar.

Many founders would have avoided this due to increased cost and time per lead…

But this actually increased the closing rate for Brennan!

The Final Piece – Attribution Channels

The final needle mover for Jumpstart ROI?

Adding additional attribution sources.

With more free time to reinvest into growth, Brennan built and improved processes to compound his brand and outreach, including:

  • A new cold email process

  • Stronger newsletter growth and content processes

  • Leveraging a simple process to ask clients to continue to refer business

After a year working together…

These combined steps led to an extra $1M in annual recurring revenue.

Want to 3X Your Agency's Revenue?

Our story of helping Brennan transform his agency from under $500k/year to adding $1M in ARR is impressive…

But it's not unique among our clients at 8 Figure Agency.

Many agency owners come to us feeling trapped in their business, struggling with team management, and unsure how to scale.

Sound familiar?

We specialize in helping agency owners like you break free from your constraints and achieve explosive growth, by helping you build:

  • Rock-solid processes that allow you to step back from daily operations

  • A high-performing team that consistently delivers results

  • Systems that boost client retention and referrals

This isn't a pipe dream…

It's what we’ve helped over 800+ clients achieve by working together.

If you’d like a quick chat to see how we can help you achieve your goals…

And let’s work on getting your time back…

While scaling to the moon…

Just like Brennan.

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency