5 Steps To Build An SOP the Right Way

5 Steps To Build An SOP the Right Way

June, 9th 2024

90% of agency owners struggle to scale because they do not have basic systems.

This leads to inconsistent revenue & difficulty in delivering exceptional results.

Creating effective SOPs will allow you to clearly define processes—and help train employees for their roles.

It also ensures that each task is done properly and efficiently.

Making SOPs is crucial to running any business smoothly.

Here is how to make them the right way:

1-A step-by-step breakdown of the task

SOPs should be so SIMPLE that a child can follow them. 

To create a great SOP, you need to have CLEAR step-by-step directions for your team members—telling them what to do. 

Here’s an example:

2-Hyperlinks to Other Documents

Many SOPs reference other components of your business.

This requires all the assigned team members to go from one SOP to another.

Make it easy for team members to hop between SOPs by . . .

HYPERLINKING anything that increases the connectivity of your training.

This allows you to make your training & SOPs accessible and resourceful

Hence, you save everybody a lot of time

3-Video training & pictures  

This is the BIGGEST hack I’m giving you today:


Most teams/founders are strapped for time.

They don’t feel like they have the time to build SOPs.

For any task,  DO THIS instead:

Hit record on Loom, and walk through the steps out loud. 

Watch this to learn how to streamline your SOP creation process. 

Once you have a video recorded, you can ask an admin to transcribe the video into written steps—and take screenshots. 

You now have:

  • A video

  • Pictures

  • Written steps

You have accommodated each learning style—without taking extra time out of your day.

Here is an example of a good SOP from my internal LMS (learning management system):

4-Definition of done

Your SOP MUST have a definition of done.

This allows your team members to know:

  • What a completed task looks like and 

  • What’s expected of them 

On the other hand, this also allows you to have accountability in your agency processes

5-Housing your SOPs

The FINAL part of SOP creation is housing them.

You can use tools like Airtable or Notion to house SOPs.

They have great search functionality & solid UI.

Check out an example client gallery below:

That is it, simple and effective.

To be honest, when most agency owners read information that could dramatically propel their business…

They find it valuable but don’t know how and when to carve out time to get the SOP done.

It’s not a shame if you need some hand-holding here and there, everyone does.

Why not let us work together to help you implement this in your business?

Book a call with my team here. 

I can boldly say, after helping over 800 agency owners that the freedom of time you need and scaling your business is tied to having an exhaustive and well-dialed-in SOP in your library.

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

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