How Cinemepic Went From 50k Mrr To 500k In February

Cinemepic’s Journey From 50k to 500K MRR

March, 24th 2024

A client of ours went from 50k MRR to 500k generated in February in just 5 months

When I met Samuel, the founder of Cinemepic, he had no recurring revenue, was working endless hours, and was struggling to scale

Here is how he exploded his company: 


When Sam came to 8F in November of 2023, he was running a video production company with his brother

Both of them were working long, endless hours in the operation and were unable to scale due to so little time and no recurring revenue 

There was no clear process & no way to scale

Solution: Enter the 8F Way

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1. Map out process

Like many of our clients, when we began working with Sam, the first thing we did was map out his process end-to-end

  • Analyze the goal of client campaigns

  • Concept of videos

  • How do we edit 

  • How to shoot

And so much more

This enabled us to have a defined way to run his business

2. Define Roles

Samuel ran his company with many lifelong friends

We then dialed in expectations, roles, goals, and KPIs per function to make it very clear who does what and what is expected of each person

This enabled the company to increase accountability and performance 

3. Make SOPs & training 

Samuel and his brother began building SOPs and training to define how to execute each step

Sam walked through how to do everything inside his company

Every time an SOP or training was built, it was put inside the project management base template so team members could easily reference

In addition to all of this, Samuel was able to train more effectively and faster because he had a better understanding of his process as a result of the process workflow exercise 

3A- Feedback from Team & Improving Process

As Samuel and his brother began providing more feedback and coaching,  Cinemepic began creating a culture of feedback

His team embraced the feedback and continually asked for it

This made the process better and the operation faster

Within no time, the entire business began focusing on continuous improvement, incrementally making the operation better with each iteration

This is something wildly uncommon for an agency of Cinemepic’s size, but a great reflection of the culture that was being created

4. Breathing Room

As a result of a better workflow, operation, and training process, both Sam  Elias (Sam’s co-founder) were able to begin getting their time back and got both of them out of the day-to-day work

Elias began moving into a management role, overseeing teams, overseeing projects, and improving the process

This quickly enabled projects to move quicker which led to increased capacity without a need to hire any more talent 

While this happened, Sam began working on marketing and sales

He was able to pursue larger accounts with higher leverage and began pursuing year-long projects

Killer Content (My favorite pieces of content from last week):

5. Reposition

While Sam was pursuing larger accounts, he had a better-leveraged offer to bring to the table

Early in our collaboration, Samuel introduced a video marketing component of his agency with social media marketing 

In the initial months of introducing it, he learned how to sell it, gained proof of concept  & introduced retainers to create a new source of MRR

6. Update Offer

As Samuel began to sell, he was approaching prospects with the sole intent of selling video marketing to generate leads for his clients or assist them in hiring new employees

This new positioning of his offer made it easier to get a yes from his prospects due to a clear correlation to ROI

In addition to this, they leveraged software for their clients that vetter leads that hit their client's websites

The final iteration that was made was introducing a white-label offer to other video production agencies

Samuel's company now had capabilities that others in his region didn’t have 

They could make better videos leveraging their software…and the market responded

7. 500K month (February) 

After putting all these factors together, this led to a MASSIVE February 

Cinemepic generated 500K in revenue

50% attributed to new video production sales

40% attributed to 12-month contracts signed

10% attributed to new white-label deals

8. Stabilize 

Moving forward, Sam and Elias want to stay at 250k/mo

For the moment, this is where they want to sit to maximize their work-life balance 

They’re highly content with their business, their profits, and their new lifestyle 

9. Continued Momentum

Sam attributed a massive amount of his current success to continually keeping momentum in his company

Sam & his 8F consultant removed 1 major problem per week

Every single week, Samuel chipped away at opportunities within the company leading to more growth 

10. Freedom

For the first time in a long time, Samuel and Elias took a vacation for 2 worry-free

In the past, they weren't able to take time off without worrying about clients or team members

They would have to work while traveling

This time around, they built a sustainable business and have been able to bear the fruits of their labor

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Stay Happy

Stay Hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

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