How Carbon Box Media added 30k MRR in 2 months

Carbon Box Media Doubled Their Business In 60 Days

March, 10th 2024

Carbon Box Media was able to add 30k MRR In 60 Days doubling their business

This was after 2 years of being in business and being unable to scale due to operations & time

Here is how they did it and how you can too


Before starting with 8F, Carbon Box Media was running a very manual process

There was no formal onboarding or project management process

There was no data infrastructure put in place to find things easily

There were loosely defined roles

When they onboard a new paid ads client, it would take about 6 weeks to launch their ads which wouldn't cut it moving forward

The founder, Jordan, was able to close deals and scale big

They had even planned for it going into Q4 2023

But when the deals started rolling in heavily, they realized they needed to ramp up operations to keep up with sales

Here is what we did to scale:

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1 The deal isn't closed until they are paid

Prior to 8F, Carbon Box would begin the onboarding process for prospective clients once they got a verbal confirmation

On multiple occasions, this had led to sunk cost of time being invested

When we came in, we quickly fixed this

A deal isn't closed until contracts are signed and the deal is paid

It is not a significant fix, but an important one for both of them (and you if you don't already do this)

2 Workflow

Carbon Box had a disjointed operation

It didn't flow smoothly from close to onboarding

To simplify this, we dialed in their entire onboarding process

We mapped out the entire thing from the second a deal closes to a client being fully onboarded

We included:

  • Software implications

  • The SOP/training per step

  • Which role owns each step

  • How long the step should take

  • Internal or external communication

Once completed, we had a fully mapped-out project management template in Asana

Now, when Jordan closes a deal, he makes a loom video to hand off the account to fulfillment and gets back to working on the business

Before 8F, he had to do SO much before he could focus again on sales and marketing

Killer Content (My favorite pieces of content from last week):

3 Expectations

The Carbon Box team has multiple members 

When diving into their business, we quickly realized we were not maximizing the talent they had on staff

Clear expectations were never set, leading to a lot of lost time and many times, ownership falling back on the founders when a team member could own part of the process

To dial this in, we mapped out:

  • Responsibilities

  • Goals

  • KPIs

Per role and function

4 Onboarding Call

One thing Jordan loved about his onboarding process with 8F was his onboarding experience

He was closed through me, good ol’ Jordan Ross, but said he was wildly impressed with the level of depth his consultant provided

He felt he got a true partner with his 8F consultant and wanted his clients to feel the same

We mapped out a simple process for his team to follow on their client onboarding calls to set a strong precedent 

Some simple things to cover:

  • Expectations

  • Timeline

  • Access

The big win operationally was access

By leveraging the onboarding call to gain access to everything that was needed from their client, they were able to speed up the onboarding process

5 SAD Framework

This is where we had the largest win in the first 60 days

We were able to save Jordan 46 HOURS A WEEK

46 hours a week!

Due to loose expectations, we found that Jordan was sitting in a customer success and pseudo-account management role even though that wasn’t his actual function

He fell into it out of habit when they went from 2 co-founders to a full team

We knew going into it we would save time, but not this much

The SAD framework is simple, if you don't follow it you'll be sad!

We tracked his time for a week, identified where it was going, categorized each group of activities, and identified what items we could Stop, Automate, Delegate

5a Delegation, Ownership, Account Management  

When we began delegating, the big thing we had to do was move all client comms and client ownership to account management 

In order to do this successfully, we informed clients who they need to route questions to:

  • Meta team

  • Google team 

Within weeks, Jordan went from no time to an abundance of time to work on this business

This one change will return millions of dollars in ROI

6 Training

Jordan is still in the midst of this process, but since delegating, we needed to elevate his team members to perform at a strong level

We set up routine training calls between him and his team members

On those calls, Jordan reviews specific FAQs from clients and how team members respond

He takes them through the 6-step coaching process to ensure he's maximizing adoption:

  1. STU- Seek to understand

  2. Root Cause

  3. Show the gap

  4. Show what good looks like

  5. Coach using input focused actions

  6. Assign actions

By finding out why team members responded in the way they did, root causing their logic and then asking them “What would Jordan do?”, he has been able to begin to elevate their thinking and performance 

Jordan is still VERY new to the 8F process

But is already seeing exceptional results

He will surely add 1M in annual revenue quickly as they continue to grow

This case study can be yours next

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Stay Happy

Stay Hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

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