Banish Cash Flow Struggles For Life

More than half of entrepreneurs struggle with cash flow

Something that can be so simple for some, and crippling for others

I have the simplest, and most effective, cash flow management process that will never have you stressing again

Auto Renewals

Yes, this shouldn’t be mind-blowing, but if you aren’t doing this right now on the 1st of every month, picture this

It's the first of next month

Every single client you work with has their card saved on file and auto renews on the first

If you don't sign a single client that month, you know how much you’ll earn that month

If you review your P&L from the prior month, you can have a quick estimate of what you’ll profit for that month

Instead of stressing and chasing invoices, you can put your company's collective time and energy into adding value to clients

For my manifestos out there, this is also better aligned to quantum physics

What we put our energy into increases

If we put our energy into chasing invoices, more past-due invoices will come

If we put our energy into adding value, client accounts & LTV will grow

This is one of the reasons why so many agencies go broke

Watch this video to learn and avoid such

View The 8F Partnership 

If you want to scale, you need to know about the 8F Partnership Program.

I’m not asking you to say yes or no today, I want you to make an informed decision on what's best for you to grow your business. 

View the below page and make business easy again. 

Stay Happy

Stay Hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

Let's Stay in Touch!