Are You Looking At Your Business Wrong?

King Solomon was the wisest man in the Bible

People traveled from around the world to seek his life-changing counsel

But even with all of his wisdom, and the countless lives he had changed, his life was still in ruin

I’m not saying your life may be in ruin, but you definitely have a little bit of Solomon in you

In psychology, the principle of Solomon’s Paradox states that others can see and solve our own problems better than we can

Back in December of 2022, I had built an EPIC plan for 8F going into 2023

I felt confident knowing that we were prime to scale

We were booking over 100 leads/mo, I had a sales team of 3 closers, and we were onboarding 12-18 clients per month

Life felt good

When I presented my Q1 2023 plan to a trusted advisor, he told me I was looking at Q1 wrong

“Your closing rate isn't high enough. With 100-120 appointments/mo, you should be onboarding over 20 clients a month”

Join over 800 Agencies Leveling Up With 8F

If you are struggling with:

  • Being stuck in the day-to-day ops

  • Not having time to grow your business

  • Build a team that you can trust to maintain your high standards

We help you solve these issues by implementing a proven operating system installed and optimized by one of our 8 figure executives

It’s really easy and more affordable than you think

Click this link to learn more

This seemed so obvious, how could I miss this? 

Simple: Solomon’s Paradox 

I couldn’t see what was SO clear when it was pointed out by someone else

Because of this, I always present my quarterly plan to an outside consultant and review my business data and plans monthly with an executive advisor

I’m great at scaling other companies, but need assistance to scale my own

Even Lebron James needs coaching, and he’s statistically the best to ever play basketball

Ready to say F-U to Solomon’s Paradox?

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you

  1. If you're serious about taking your agency to the next level and want my help in doing so, click here to book time for a growth consultation

  2. If you're struggling with project management, watch this video on how to fix your ops

  3. If you want to stay in touch, follow me on Twitter

Stay Happy

Stay Hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

Let's Stay in Touch!