đź’Ş A social pressure hack to get more out of your team

How to keep your team motivated & accountable and drive agency success

Ever put your heart and soul into something, thinking it was LEGIT, only to have it fall flat?

It happens to 99% of founders, and it just happened to one of our YouTube agency clients.

This founder built an EPIC project management system with all the bells and whistles—automations, reporting, and more.

Yet despite all these features, some of his editors STILL weren’t delivering videos on time.

Here’s why…

Even elite project management doesn’t always = effective people management.

The thing this founder was missing—something you may be, too—was accountability mechanisms.

Here’s what he had:

  • Daily audits to see what videos were past due

  • Daily reporting sent to him showing what was past due

  • A project manager messaging editors daily about overdue tasks

But here’s what was missing: accountability.

Team members were being let go with no warning, and they weren’t aware of the consequences for missed deadlines.

Here’s what we told him to implement to turn things around…

1. Productivity Escalations

His company didn’t have clear rules for how editors would be terminated if they failed to meet productivity standards.

We had him use ChatGPT to draft a policy based on the specific criteria we set:

  • First late video: Verbal coaching

  • Two late videos at once: Documented coaching

  • Two late videos within a month: Written warning

  • A late video within 30 days of the first written warning: Second written warning

  • A late video within 60 days of the second written warning: Termination

Each company can create its own policy and make it as detailed as needed.

But when you create a new policy, it’s crucial to roll it out to the team, explain the new standard, and emphasize the “why” behind it (a critical management principle.)

2. Manager Feedback

Without management accountability and positive pressure, talent may assume there are no consequences for missing deadlines.

We changed his workflow so that project managers didn’t just message editors privately—they now include managers in these conversations.

Here’s an example of what that communication looks like:

First Escalation:

"Hey [Manager] & [Editor], just a heads up—I wanted to escalate a productivity concern to both of you.

[Editor], we currently have 2 videos past due. When this happens, I am to make the manager aware so we can ID why this happened.

Can you share what happened here?”

The manager steps in to help solve the issue and coach.

Second escalation:

"Hey [Manager] & [Editor], wanted to escalate some productivity concerns.

[Editor], this is the second time in the last 30 days we’ve had more than 2 videos late at the same time. According to company policy, this will move you to a first written warning.

At our agency, we have a three-strike rule. If we can’t get videos on time, we’ll lose clients.

Because of this, we’re reducing your weekly video load from 4 to 2 for the next 30-60 days to ensure deadlines are met.

Here’s our company productivity policy in case you have questions (hyperlink).”

This feedback is clear and direct, outlining the consequences for missed deadlines and ensuring the manager is involved for visibility.

The manager can play good cop (to the project manager’s bad cop), to help solve barriers or issues with the editor.

With this system in place, nothing can be  misinterpreted.

3. Social Pressure 

The company already had strong daily reporting on:

  • Videos edited

  • Number of videos edited on time

  • Number of videos edited with quality

But all this reporting was kept private.

If possible, making these rankings public is a huge hack.

No one wants to be at the bottom of the rankings, and this transparency makes performance expectations clear for everyone.

This move will lead to improved quality and productivity.

Here’s a made-up example of what this can look like:

I guarantee this company will now have elite results.

People management + project management = $$$.

Is Your Team Motivated To Help Your Agency Succeed?

Even sophisticated project management systems can fall short without proper accountability.

And when you’re short on time and too busy with running the day-to-day in your business…

Good luck staying on top of holding your team accountable!

Fortunately, we've cracked the code at 8 Figure Agency…

Helping agencies level-up to the point where:

  • Deadlines are consistently met without micromanagement

  • Team members are motivated and accountable

  • Projects run smoothly, freeing you to focus on growth

The best part? This transformation doesn't require you to become a micromanager or sacrifice your company culture.

Our proven systems:

  • Create clear, fair accountability structures

  • Boost team productivity and morale simultaneously

  • Streamline operations for maximum efficiency

Can you even imagine the impact on your business when your team is as invested in your agency's success as you are?

Let me tell you — it’s an incredible place to be.

Ready to unlock your agency's full potential?

And let’s start a conversation about how we can help you become the best, most successful version of your agency.

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

P.S. Not sure where you should be spending your time to grow your agency?

It's a quick 2-minute assessment that shares powerful insights with you based on our 800+ client success stories and wealth of experience helping agencies scale.

Check it out at no cost here.

P.P.S. Want to know how I signed 800+ clients in just 5 years? Check out my latest YouTube video here for the exact strategy that skyrocketed my agency's growth.