⚔️ A secret growth weapon for your agency’s revenue

How one unique business path could skyrocket your revenue.

Licensing IP.

99% of agencies have never considered using this path to make more money…

But it could be a tremendous option for you to bring in 6-7 figures of rev in the coming year.

Here’s why you may want to consider this path…

Recently, I was on call with a potential 8F portfolio business and a vendor they do business with.

I’m considering bringing the first business into my 8F portfolio, but they have no recurring revenue.

It’s all projects currently, which is highly unappealing.

The founder is entertaining working with us because I’ll be able to build a path for him to grow and create MRR.

When discussing his referral relationship with his primary vendor, the vendor told me their starting retainer price point is $5k per month for their service…

Which means companies doing $40k-$300k per month are pretty much out of consideration…

And the vendor couldn’t drop his prices much further.

Our 3-way call was to discuss a deeper collaboration between us and this vendor…

But unfortunately, it became clear that the vendor company wouldn’t be able to lower their price enough for us to affordably resell their services to smaller businesses.

Then, after the call, something hit me:

Why don’t we just license this company’s IP?

They have tons of internal training and content…

The founder of the potential 8F portfolio company has the ability to learn this company’s system…

And we can plant this guy into the company, receive their training, and in return, give the vendor a % of every sale we make using their offer.

You may have a similar situation as the companies in this example.

Often, the gap between you and your next million is increasing the LTV of your existing clients.

One of the best ways to do that is selling more services to them.

See, it’s HARD to cross sell services and maintain high standards.

But licensing, when done well, can greatly increase the likelihood you deliver a high quality service…

While also enabling your company to receive continuous training (if negotiated well).

Is Your Agency Leaving Money on the Table?

Licensing IP is just one of many untapped strategies that could propel your agency to new heights.

See, every agency's path to growth is unique.

At 8 Figure Agency, we specialize in uncovering these hidden opportunities for agencies like yours.

We've helped over 800 agency owners:

  • Create predictable cash flow

  • Streamline operations for maximum efficiency

  • Implement innovative growth strategies

  • Scale to 7 and 8 figures

Our approach? It's not about cookie-cutter solutions.

It's about diving deep into your agency's unique strengths, challenges, and opportunities to craft a tailored growth strategy.

Ready to discover your agency's untapped potential?

And let’s work together to scale your agency to new heights!

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency