6 Steps to a High Performing Team (That Will Make You 10s of Millions)

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6 Steps to a High-Performing Team (That Will Make You 10s of Millions)

I’ve audited 1000s of agencies—& helped 600+ to scale 7 figs & beyond.

I know for a fact that you can’t scale to $100k/mo & beyond with a mediocre team.

Instead of playing the blame game—focus on these 6 steps to build a high-performing, dream team for your agency: 

1. Onboarding Expectations

Your team has the ability to succeed—but when they are given ambiguous directions, they go back to their old habits.

Set realistic and clear expectations for your new hires and team - so they and your agency thrive.

Here's the list:

A. Performance Expectations

Your new hires should have a MAP OF EVERYTHING THEY NEED TO DO from day one.

This includes actionable steps on the tasks they need to perform each day of the week.

Now, new hires and other team members have clear steps on what to do.

Once you have this—you need to define what they are expected to finish. 

What do you want from them over the course of 30, 60 or 90 days?

Use KPIs & goals they must execute to be considered 'successful'.

Break bigger tasks into small, actionable steps. 

This will help your team to achieve their goals in time.

On the other hand, this would help you track their performance easily as well.

See the example below:

You can then have monthly one-on-ones to review their progress. 

This includes telling your team members: 

  • Where they are in the journey. 

  • What is expected of them going forward? 

  • The Do’s and Don’ts they need to focus on.

B. Cultural Expectations

Define what behaviours are & are not in alignment with your agency’s culture. 

When your team knows this, the operations will run smoothly—as there will be no cultural conflicts. 

Create clear training to clearly show what an A player looks like:

C. Collaboration Expectations 

Collaborations have the potential to make or break an agency. 

If a team member collaborates with other departments.

define what expectations and responsibilities lie on both sides of the collaboration.

This allows both sides to have a constructive collaboration—and prevent them from butting heads in the process .

See an example below,

2. Build the customer journey 

Whenever you onboard a client, show each step in the process for your team—and templatize this in your project management.

While you’re doing this, there should be no ambiguity of steps.

Result: Increase in customer LTV and retention.

3. SOPs & Training

I have audited over 1,000 businesses in the past 3 years.

I CAN'T believe 90% of agency owners don't know how to build effective SOPs.

  • SOPs tell people what to do

  • Training teaches people how to think

Make these an integral part of your agency workflow.

SOPs and training are two separate concepts, do not confuse them! 

Watch my training that clearly defines the difference between SOPs and training:

4. FAQs 

Your team will always have FAQs—it’s part of the learning process.

But as an agency owner, you don’t have enough time to answer all of them. 

Here’s what you need to do instead:

  • Create a place where they can ask questions

  • Turn the answers/questions into SOPs & training 

Bang! You now have a growing internal Wikipedia.

Here is training on how you can do this.

5. Audit and coach 

In any profession or sport, the magic is not in the training—but in the practice and feedback. 

The smallest adjustments around specific feedback create excellence over mediocrity. 

So it's CRITICAL your managers block time to audit and coach.

I still spend a few hours a week training my team.

It's one of the best ROIs I have on my time.

6. Stress test

The only way to know if your team is performing well is to let them execute without you being there.

Leave your team for a day or a week (or a month, as I did).

Audit the results, and Measure success.

When you get back, perform a debrief on how they did.

Here is training on how you can implement this:


  1. Onboarding expectations

  2. Build the customer journey

  3. Build SOPs & training

  4. Create an FAQ process

  5. Audit & coach

  6. Stress test

Your team is the lifeblood of your business. If you are able to make your team produce great results in your absence, then you are on the right track to doubling your revenue or creating the kind of lifestyle business you want.

The core of any successful business is equipping your team to perform at a high level.

Book a call with my team so we can help you install the 8-figure SOP in your agency.

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

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