5 Tips To Avoid A Stressful Sh*tshow of A Business

5 Tips To Avoid A Stressful Sh*tshow of A Business

April, 21st 2024

If I had a dollar every time an old prospect texted me, and things went to shit for their company, man, I would have A LOT of money

In Q4 of last year, 8F met a young, fast-growing entrepreneur

He was growing rapidly, and things were already breaking his business when he came to 8F

He was low on capacity

He was onboarding team members as he onboarded clients

He was flying by the seat of his pants just trying to keep up

And when it came down to it, he opted not to build his business the right way

He opted  to leverage the lessons of the real world…and eat shit for another 6 months

Fast forward six months, and I get the above text

His agency didn't grow much at all, probably because his churn was equal to his sales (which I told him would happen)

But he launched a second offer that was exploding and had no operational infrastructure 

Learning from experience, he obviously opted in this time

Here are the fundamentals this founder needed to set up to prevent chaos and stress in a fast-growing business:

1. Workflow

Defining his process, first step to the last step

2. Project management & standard work

Templatize each step into his PM software and have clear end-of-day reporting to ensure everything was getting done

This video breaks down everything he (and maybe you) should be doing to fix ops (link)

Join over 800 Agencies Leveling Up With 8F

If you are struggling with:

  • Being stuck in the day-to-day ops

  • Not having time to grow your business

  • Build a team that you can trust to maintain your high standards

We help you solve these issues by implementing a proven operating system installed and optimized by one of our 8 figure executives

It’s really easy and more affordable than you think

3. Capacity tracking

Onboarding talent as clients are coming in the door is an easy way to lose clients

Building waitlists and informing clients what your capacity is shows a level of professionalism and intentionality that all founders want

Setting this up per role is simple math

How many new clients do you get per month

How many clients do you lose per month

How many total clients does that leave you with

How many clients can each role maintain in your company

Plan around those numbers and source in advance 


Capacity planning

4. Source Talent & Delegate

Identify the roles we need to get off your plate and begin sourcing

Leverage Upwork or LinkedIn to find talent but ensure you disqualify the ones that aren't a fit

I show how to DQ bad talent prospects in these videos

Sourcing talent via Upwork (link)

Sourcing talent via Linkedin (link)

5. Manage, Train, Develop

Ensure your talent executes by spending the proper time with them!

Too many founders cut corners, like this guy did, and just throw people at problems

We must put people into effective processes and then iterate on those processes to scale

Here is a training on how you can set up a proper management process to execute this

Watch here (link)

I wanted to test out a new style of email

One where I link training for most steps 

Let me know if you liked this or prefer everything written out in long form!

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you

  1. If you're serious about taking your agency to the next level and want my help in doing so, click here to book time for a growth consultation

  2. Your agency will go broke if you don’t know these, watch this video  to avoid going out of business

  3. If you want to stay in touch, follow me on Twitter

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Stay Happy

Stay Hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

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