👑 3 executive frameworks for BIG agency success

Discover my elite executive frameworks for agency success

In the last 4 months, my 4 new 8F subsidiaries added nearly $1,000,000 in annual revenue to 8F.

But one of them stalled this past month.

The root problem? My new partner had never been an executive before.

Here are 3 powerful executive frameworks I taught him to get us back on track:

1. Start With the End in Mind

At 8F, we use a simple “GPS” system:

  • 1 year goal

  • 1 month priority

  • 1 week sprint

Each day, review your 1-week target, and execute on the #1 priority to help get it done.

Nothing else matters until it’s done.

Every week, set new sprints, and ask:

“What do I have to accomplish this week in order to hit my 1 month priorities?”

Frustrated Your Agency Isn’t Where You Want It To Be?

We meet with dozens of agency owners a week and hear the same thing over and over again: 

“I’m frustrated that my agency isn’t where I want it to be.”

We’ll help you transform frustration into agency bliss. Join over 800 agency owners who've removed themselves from their businesses with our help. We’ll turn your agency into a self-sustaining machine that exceeds your expectations.

It all starts with a 100% free Consultation Call where we identify the hurdles holding you back and chart a strategic path to the agency you've always wanted. Ready to achieve your goals and enjoy less stress?

2. Daily Accountability

To build stronger accountability with this executive, he’s now going to send me this info every morning:

  • His 1 week sprints

  • His top 2 actions to execute for the day

And at the end of each day, he sends me a report on what got done and lessons learned.

A simple, high-accountability system.

3. Define Success Clearly

I recently asked him, “What defines success for us on a month-to-month basis?”

His answer? “Executing for clients.”

Correct, but not the full picture.

An executive’s role isn’t just to execute. It’s also building for tomorrow.

If you’re not creating capacity and improving operations each month, you’ll stall.


With the right accountability, framework, and game plan in place with this executive, I expect this subsidiary to double in the next 60 days.

If your business has stalled…

And you want a heaping pile of solutions to help you grow to 8-figures and beyond…

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency

P.S. Try our 8F OS Constraints Calculator for AI-powered insights on growing your business.

P.P.S. Here are the top 10 agencies you could build today and hit $1M/year within 12 months.