📧 1 tiny email hack to book more calls

See how 1 simple email trick can make a BIG difference in your business

I stumbled upon a small but powerful email hack that increases booked calls via referrals.

Most founders aren’t using it…

But it’s incredibly simple:

Use An Effective Email Signature

8F launched a new business unit this year, brokering introductions between businesses seeking marketing services and agencies.

We have made HUNDREDS of intros in the last 60 days alone.

But one thing has really stood out to me:

Founders with better email signatures booked more calls.

This is the cleanest one I’ve seen from a good friend of mine, Mina:

And the main reason why having an effective email signature leads to more booked calls?


Prospects are constantly building a perception of who we are, what we do, and how credible we are.

Unconsciously, every detail about our brand impacts a prospect’s decision to book a call or not…

Including your email signature.

So — my suggestion for you today is to put some time and thought into yours…

Along with a review of your brand and social profiles, to find additional opportunities to improve your image.

I promise, it does make a big difference.

Is Your Agency’s Brand Perception Costing You Leads & Clients?

That email signature hack? It's just the tip of the iceberg.

Every day, potential clients are forming opinions about your agency based on the smallest details.

Your email signature, your website, your social media presence - they all add up to create a powerful first impression.

But here's the thing: most agency owners are too close to their own brand to see where they're falling short.

That's where 8 Figure Agency comes in.

We've helped hundreds of agencies just like yours identify and fix the small (and big) things that are costing them clients.

From refining your messaging to polishing your online presence, we know what it takes to make your agency irresistible to high-value prospects.

The result?

More referrals. More booked calls. More revenue.

It's not about drastic changes…

It's about strategic tweaks that add up to a big impact.

We can help you:

  • Build a brand that exudes credibility and expertise

  • Increase your referrals and booked calls

  • Stand out from your competition effortlessly

Remember, every interaction with a potential client is an opportunity to make a lasting impression.

Ready to elevate your agency's brand and attract more high-quality leads?

In just 30 minutes, we'll show you exactly where you're leaving money on the table…

And what you can do to start getting better results, almost instantly.

Stay happy, stay hungry,

Jordan Ross

CEO & Founder @ 8 Figure Agency